1、board (n.木板,甲板;v.登机,登船)
4、abroad(adv.在国外/adj. 往国外的(一般做表语)/n. 海外,异国)
1、board (n.木板,甲板;v.登机,登船)
Look at the blackboard!(大家看黑板)board就是“板”的意思,课堂里用黑板或whiteboard。另外还有动词含义“登机,登船”,想象登船、登机的过程中,都要走过一段过渡“桥”(板)。
厨房里有砧板/案板/切菜板,叫cutting(切) board或chopping(砍) board,木头做的还可以叫wooden board。a chessboard 棋盘;公司里还有the board of directors:董事会,因为他们是负责拍板做决定的人。
She jumped off the top board. 她从高层跳板上跳了下来。
He removed the figure from the board. 他从黑板上抹去了那个数字。
Have the passengers gone on board yet ? 乘客们登机了吗?
It's good to have you on board (= working with us) for this project. 这项工程有你和我们携手合作真是太好了。
Flight BA193 for Paris is now boarding at Gate 37. BA193次飞往巴黎的乘客现在可以在37号登机口登机。
The ship was boarded by customs officials. 海关官员登上了这艘船。
Passengers are waiting to board. 乘客们正在候机。
aboard是介词也是副词,表示登上飞机、船、火车等。同义词 on board
They finally went aboard the plane.(做介词) 他们终于登上了飞机。
The plane crashed killing all 200 people aboard.(做副词) 飞机坠毁,机上200人全部遇难。
It had taken two hours to load all the people aboard. (做副词)花了两个小时才让所有乘客都上了船。
All aboard! (= the bus, boat, etc. is leaving soon) 请大家上车(或船等)!(表示马上就要开了)
Welcome aboard! (= used to welcome passengers or a person joining a new organization, etc.) 欢迎乘坐(或欢迎加盟)!
单词中间有个词“road(路)”,根据语义联想,“路是宽的”。 broaden就是“使变宽”,-en是一种动词后缀。
肩膀宽的,叫broad shoulders;
性格开朗的人经常笑得很“开”,have a broad smile:笑容灿烂;
a broad street/avenue/river 宽广的街道 / 林荫道 / 河流
He is tall, broad and muscular. 他身高体宽,肌肉发达。
His shoulders were broad and his waist narrow. 他细腰宽肩膀。
4、abroad(adv.在国外/adj. 往国外的(一般做表语)/n. 海外,异国)
abroad本身就是“在国外、去国外”的意思,所以不能在前面再加如at/to等的介词了。 to be/go/travel/live abroad 在外国;出国;到国外旅行;在国外居住
imports of cheap food from abroad 国外廉价食物的进口
She worked abroad for a year. 她在国外工作了一年。
He was famous, both at home and abroad (= in his own country and in other countries) .
腊肉是中国腌肉的一种,主要流行于四川、湖南和广东一带,但在南方其他地区也有制作,由于通常是在农历的腊月进行腌制,所以称作“腊肉”。现在人们大多购买外面市售的现成腊肉,总感觉质量让人不放心。所以,自己在家做腊肉是最健康的选择,关键是吃得放心。教你在家做出地道腊肉,做法攻略全在这里,让你轻松说出so e